Friday 19 October 2012

Elderberry Wine progress

So here is my elderberry wine coming on nicely. Hopefully the 4-5 month wait until it's ready will be worth it.

Elderberry wine fermenting

And here is some of my wool soaking in elderberry juice. It looks a bit disgusting at the moment but it seems to be taking on a nice pinky colour.
Elderberry solar-dyeing

Sunday 7 October 2012

Elderberry picking

It was such a nice morning so I went out to pick some elderberries to try out dyeing some of my wool. I'm also going to make some elderberry wine!

Dew shows off the delicacy of a cobweb
Mist rising from the fields

Monday 1 October 2012

Spinning some yarn

After going along to Twisted Tailor's open studio last weekend and being invited by a few members of the Diss Guild of Spinners, Weavers and Dyers, I went along to a sit and spin meeting with my wheel and some wool. They are a lovely group of ladies with a wealth of knowledge between them. So excited to finally learn what to do with my wheel and spin some yarn from my fleece.

My first bobbin


Monday 24 September 2012

Getting my wool on

So I have finally started doing something with my fleece. My sister-in-law's grandfather gave me a few fleeces a while back now, from his gorgeous Suffolk-Merino cross, which produce lovely wool. Here they are:

The boys

I've started cleaning the fleece by soaking it in cold water to dissolve the dirt and then in warm soapy water to remove the lanolin. Makes it smell a bit better too.



By chance I ended up visiting an open studio yesterday. Twisted Tailor studio is based just a mile up the road and produces beautiful knitwear, weavings and handspun yarns. Chatting to the ladies there I found out about a local spinning group. So I am excited to go along this week with my spinning wheel and wool and finally learn how to spin some yarns. I'll let you know how it goes.