Friday 19 October 2012

Elderberry Wine progress

So here is my elderberry wine coming on nicely. Hopefully the 4-5 month wait until it's ready will be worth it.

Elderberry wine fermenting

And here is some of my wool soaking in elderberry juice. It looks a bit disgusting at the moment but it seems to be taking on a nice pinky colour.
Elderberry solar-dyeing

Sunday 7 October 2012

Elderberry picking

It was such a nice morning so I went out to pick some elderberries to try out dyeing some of my wool. I'm also going to make some elderberry wine!

Dew shows off the delicacy of a cobweb
Mist rising from the fields

Monday 1 October 2012

Spinning some yarn

After going along to Twisted Tailor's open studio last weekend and being invited by a few members of the Diss Guild of Spinners, Weavers and Dyers, I went along to a sit and spin meeting with my wheel and some wool. They are a lovely group of ladies with a wealth of knowledge between them. So excited to finally learn what to do with my wheel and spin some yarn from my fleece.

My first bobbin