Tuesday 27 May 2014

Ladybird Baby Booties

 Having not made much felt for quite a long time, I'm really enjoying this. Here are one of two pairs of booties I made today: hand felted Ladybird Baby Booties.

From wool to boots...

The wool fibres laid out ready to felt

Felted fabric

Little red booties before they grew spots
Cute little ladybird booties

Monday 12 May 2014

Felted Baby Booties

Today has been a very productive day. I've made three brooches and a pair of felted booties for my nephew.

With limited space in my new flat the best surface I could find to do my felting on turned out to be the hob. It worked very well and it was nice to do some felting again, it's been far too long. I intend to do a lot more.

Felt made and pattern pieces cut and ready to be sewn into little booties.

And here they are. Aren't they adorable?


Ted's new blue suede shoes 

Sunday 11 May 2014

COLLECT: The International Art Fair for Contemporary Objects


Another great collection of contemporary art at this year's COLLECT held at the Saatchi Gallery. Filled with loads of fantastic stuff these are a few artist that really stood out:

Pippin Drysdale - Joanna Bird. stand 2.1, ground floor

These are just simply beautiful. The colours, the forms, I love everything about them. I just wanted to touch them, they have that sort of effect as they look so soft and, well, scrumptious.

Jeanne Opgenhaffen - Design Flanders. stand 3.1, ground floor

I like how this delicate porcelain looks so soft and almost textile. It expresses so much movement through its construction. It's simply beautiful.

Kazuhito Takadoi - jaggedart. stand 5.1, ground floor


Working with hand picked grasses, which are then dried and woven, twigs and leaves, everything is natural. I really like this artists work and because the materials are all natural, as they continue to dry there will be subtle colour changes which add further interest to the artworks.

Finished safari mobile

I've finished the safari mobile for my new nephew. I hope he and Mummy and Daddy like it. I'm really pleased with it.

Thursday 8 May 2014

Wednesday 7 May 2014

Another animal done

I've just finished animal number 7 for the safari mobile. A rather handsome antelope. Scroll down to see the other animals.

Tuesday 6 May 2014

A walk in the woods

Beautiful, glorious Blue Bells everywhere. Over the Bank Holiday weekend we went for a walk through Box Wood and I'd forgotten that the Blue Bells would be out. A blanket of purple covered the woodland floor.

We wandered amongst the trees, enjoying the sun as it scattered through the canopy.

Monday 5 May 2014

Website is almost up and running

So, the website it nearly there and will be launched soon, which mean this blog is under going a little makeover. Nothing like a fresh new image.

More news about the website coming soon

Friday 2 May 2014

Visit my shop

Visit my Folksy shop now to view all the items I have for sale. Jewellery, accessories and art are all made to order. If you would like something special then send me an email to discuss ideas.

Safari Mobile

I'm in the process of making a safari themed mobile for my new nephew.
Three more animals to go.
Visit my shop to see some of the other cute animals you can order as accessories.


Website coming soon!

There will be a new Twee Things website coming soon. Watch this space!